DIORIGA GAS complies with the Greek and E.U. legislative framework and in partricular with the following laws, directives and regulations.
(Greek legislation available only in the Greek language)
- Law 4001/2011 «For the operation of the Electricity and Gas Markets…»
- Law 4014/2011 «For the Environmental licensing of projects and activities…»
- Law 2971/2001 «Access to shore… »
- Law 3982/2011 «Simplification of the Installation and Operations Permitting…»
- Law 4277/2014 (art.45) «Regulating Independent Natural Gas System matters»
- Ministerial Decision 26510/2012 «Technical Regulation for Natural Gas Pipeline Systems over 16 bars max pressure»
- Ministerial Decision 12044/613/2007 incorporating Directive 2003/105/ΕC (SEVESO ΙΙ) «Measures for the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances»
- International Maritime Organization (ΙΜΟ) regulatory framework
- Directive 96/61/ΕC «Best Available Technics for pollution prevention»
- Regulation 347/2013 «Guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure»
- Regulation 1316/2013 «Connecting Europe Facility»
- DIRECTIVE 2009/73/EC concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas and repealing Directive 2003/55/EC