The Project
Dioriga Gas Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) will anchored offshore, south-west of Motor Oil’s refinery in Agioi Theodoroi near Corinth, located 65 km west from Athens.
The planned storage capacity of the unit is up to 210,000 m3, with regasification capacity of 132,000 MWhs/d and an annual projected demand of 2.5 bcm of natural gas.
Dioriga’s Contribution
Strengthen security of gas supply at a national and European level.
Enhance anticipated interconnections of the NNGS with neighboring
gas systems.
Hydrogen ready with new technology applications so that Dioriga Gas be considered a catalyst for a sustainable and rapid transition to cleaner energy.
Provide additional liquidity to the LNG market with immediate effect on lower energy prices to households.
The Project Offers
Dioriga Gas Floating Storage Dioriga Gas terminal will offer flexible and competitive services to LNG users in a variety of products.

Latest News about The Project
The project is currently under the commercial strategy development to finalize the capacity products and tariffs, in order to set up the binding phase of Market Test by the end of 2021. The Front End Engineering Development (FEED) and Licensing completion is on the move simultaneously.
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