Terms of use
Our company
This website is the property of the company DIORIGA GAS S.A. (DIORIGA GAS), which is registered in Greece with General Commercial Register (GEMI) No. 139182501000 and has its registered seat at 12A Irodou Attikou St., Marousi, Athens, P.C. 15124, Greece.
All trade names, trademarks and products cited in this website benefit from the rights of their legal owners.
Limitation of liability
DIORIGA GAS does not guarantee that the information, views, conclusions or recommendations included in this website are accurate, thorough or updated and, beyond the liability that cannot be excluded by law, DIORIGA GAS shall not be responsible for any loss or damage that may be caused directly or indirectly to the visitor/user from their reliance on any information, view, conclusion or recommendation included in this website, regardless of whether such loss or damage is due to any error or negligence on the part of DIORIGA GAS or not.
In addition, DIORIGA GAS does not guarantee that the website will always be virus free or free from other harmful elements and, thus, shall bear no liability for any damage or fault due to a virus or any other cause to users when they visit, use or browse this website.
DIORIGA GAS reserves the right to make any changes or corrections to the content of this website or to interrupt or suspend its operation without prior notice.
Protection of intellectual and industrial property
This website contains texts, descriptions, logos, graphics, images, data and programmes which, including their presentation, are protected by the provisions on intellectual and industrial property whether they belong exclusively to DIORIGA GAS or the latter has licensed their use.
The content of the website may not be reproduced, broadcast, distributed, sold or commercially exploited in whole or in part in any manner whatsoever by any user without prior written consent from DIORIGA GAS.
Unauthorised use of the trademarks, logos and distinguishing marks presented in the website in any manner whatsoever is prohibited.
Users are not allowed to bring changes to the website or intervene in any manner in its operation or mislead the public in any way with regards to the actual website provider.
Links to and from other websites
DIORIGA GAS bears no liability whatsoever for any website containing links to and from this website.
Connection to any website takes place solely at the responsibility of visitors/users.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
The terms and conditions of use of this website, along with any amendment, change or alteration to them, are governed and supplemented by Greek law.
Athens Courts shall be solely competent to settle any difference that may arise in the context of the use of this website and Greek Law shall be the applicable law.